What in the flying fuck is going on in the world?!?!? I just saw on the news that the great state of Indiana is going to vote on banning smoking everywhere. Most people welcome this news. I take a different more radical stand.
Most anti-smoking people can spew out a million different stats on smokers deaths but fail to recognize the other side of the coin. That being, if 5,000 people die in a certain day and 1,000 of them are from smoking related illnesses, another 1,000 from out of the ordinary circumstances (car crash, shooting), 2,500 people die diseases...then what do the remaining 500 people die from? Natural causes? That's a line full of fucking horse shit a mile long. What they should say is that so and so person died from fucking breathing.
I would be more than happy to entertain a different philosophy if someone could point out one person throughout the entire course of mankind that has yet to die. Can anybody point out one person? No, no you can't. Everyone dies, plain and simple. Some live longer than others, while some barely get to experience life at all. That's life people and its not fair and it will never be fair...get over yourselves!!!
My problem with the proposed smoking ban is that if you don't want to be around people who smoke for whatever reason, then don't!!! Right now the only places in Indy you can smoke are places where you have to be 21 to get in. I can dig that someone doesn't want their kid around people smoking. That's not unreasonable, but if you're being a self righteous prick...then that's a little unreasonable. I know that if I want to go to a bar and smoke, then I'm not going to go to a fucking Applebee's all night and drink. No, I'm going to go where grown ass people go to have an adult beverage...or two, or three, or maybe four.
All the elected officials are going to say "we're looking out for the health of other Hoosiers and blah blah blah." If that were the case then shouldn't they be looking for options to give low income people some sort of good health care and not trying to ban adults from doing what they feel like doing? Or even better yet, why not try to figure out how to keep the local economy going so people aren't getting laid off or fired everyday.
Perhaps they could impose a cerfew on every adult in the state and say you can only have one drink so nobody gets caught drinking and driving. That would basically be the same thing they're trying to do right now...population control. Population control from a group of uppity fucking rich house wives that have nothing better to do all day. They wake up in the morning and see their meal ticket (husband) off to work and figure out a way to make the world more safe. So now they call to the State House and say "but, but, but, we have to do this and if you don't put a bill into place and get it passed then when you're up for re-election then all that money we gave you to spend on hookers, coke, and booze will be gone."
All in all its an extremely simple solution. It involves something that has eluded the population for what seems to have been the past 40-50 years, and that is common fucking sense. In this case, if you don't want to be around people smoking then don't go to bars or to where people smoke.
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